Sequential Cropping allows you to manage fields that grow multiple crops in a season. For example;
Failed crops
A main crop after a cover Crop
Stubble turnips after a main crop
Multiple crops of vegetables
By creating sequential cropping records you will be able to manage your jobs for each crop sequence, view their costs and margins and run reports.
Crop sequences can be added to whole or split fields – as long as the total workable area is not exceeded at any one time.
Creating Crop Sequences (Whole Fields)
To create a second/subsequent cropping sequence in a field;
Go to the fields module and select the field that needs a sequence
Select the ‘Details’ tab
Select ‘Setup’ in the cropping pane, or click the pencil icon next to the crop that needs a sequence
Select ‘+ Sequence’ button
A new record will be added to the line below current crops
Edit the details for the new sequence as required
Select the green tick to save when completed
Please note: if you are adding a sequence because of crop failure, you may prefer to use the Failed Crop Wizard to add sequences and divide the records of the failed crop.
Working with Sequences in Jobs and Cropping Planner
The field picker screen will only display current crops by default. To view all crops, remove the tick from ‘Show current crops only’ at the bottom of the field list:
In the cropping planner and field picker lists, sequences are indicated with a small icon. The green version of this icon indicates the current crop, and other sequences are displayed with a grey version.