About Fields
The Fields module displays the fields that are present in Gatekeeper. Selecting a field will show you the information about that field in the season selected.
When field information is present, this module will display information on different tabs:
Details tab
The ‘Details’ section will show key information about the field, including name, area, and soil details. If a Map Sheet or LPID identifier have been entered, the field location will be shown. If a field boundary has been drawn, this will be displayed.
The ‘Cropping’ section shows the crops that have been added for the season. A field may have a single crop in a year, or may have multiple crops in one year. For example, a field may have a single crop of barley, or it may have its total area divided into two cropping areas, one of barley and one of game cover.
The ‘Previous Cropping’ section will show details of crops from previous years.
Jobs summary tab
Once jobs have been completed against a field, this tab will show a summary of all work carried out.
Nutrients tab
If fertiliser products have been applied, the nutrients tab will show nutrient supply in units of nutrient (e.g., kg of nitrogen) rather than units of product (e.g., kg of urea).
Samples tab
If soil sample information has been entered, it will be visible here. Samples are displayed in date order with the most recent first.
Margin tab
Products applied to a field and activities used on the field that have a cost attributed will be displayed on the margin tab.
How to setup Fields
Setup > Fields is where you can setup the field details such as name, full area (ha), soil type or Nitrate status. These details are relevant to the field across all seasons. Within each field record you can then allocate cropping for each season. Once cropping is entered for a season, the field will then be available to record information.
To add a field
1. Select Fields from the sidebar or Fields from the Setup module
2. Select the + New Field button
3. A ‘New Field’ form will appear
Enter the information below:
Field Name
Holding – a holding will automatically be picked based on the farm selected but if your business has more than one holding, you may need to change this selection
Full area (ha) – the total area of the field including any field margins etc
Workable area (ha) – The area of the field that is croppable. This may be the same figure as the full area, or if there are grass margins or uncropped areas of the field it may be different. Please note, the actual cropped area for each season is setup later and may include whole or split fields
Nitrate status (if applicable)
Click the tick to save
If you are adding multiple fields, you may wish to tick the option ‘Add another’ after step 6 above. This will take you directly into another ‘New Field’ form after saving.
N.B. If you choose to ‘Add another’ at this point you will need to add the cropping before any jobs can be recorded.
After saving, a drawer will appear, showing the details you have added. To add further information against a field, including soil information or a field boundary, click the appropriate edit icon. Entering an NG, LPID or LPIS number will cause the map to zoom to your field location.
N.B. For Ireland, the LPIS number does not contain a geographical reference. Therefore this will not self-centre on a field but will instead default to centre on Ireland.
Allocating a crop to a field
Once a field has been added, it must be activated within a season so that jobs and records may be made against it. This is done by allocating a crop and working area to the field.
A field may be cropped as a whole field with a single crop, or with multiple crops, in which case the field will need to be split to reflect the different crops.
Field cropping can be split to allow you to manage multiple production crops in a field or to record other areas such as game cover or environmental schemes.
Before adding any cropping information please ensure you are in the correct cropping season.
To allocate a single crop to a whole field
1. Select the field from the Fields module
2. Check that you are within the tab
3. Move down to the Cropping form, and click Setup
4. Edit the area, if required
5. Select a land use option:
Crop Production - For a field that is growing a crop for production, for example wheat, potatoes, etc (in other words a crop that will be sold)
Grass - For a field that is in grass use (fodder, protein/chlorophyll, seed)
Non-Crop Production - For a field that is growing something not for production or that is part of a scheme or other land use, for example game cover, environmental scheme
6. Enter required further detail:
For crop production: a crop and variety are required
For grass, a grass use is required and may also then prompt either a grass management selection or variety
For non-crop production, select a use. This may also then prompt you to select an option
7. Select the green tick to save
To allocate multiple crops to a field
1. Select the field from the Fields module
2. Check that you are within the Details tab
3. Move down to the cropping form, and click Setup
4. Select ‘+ Divide’ to create another crop
5. For each crop created, enter:
An area
A land use
Additional detail as required (crop and variety, grass use, non-crop production uses)
Additionally, if you wish you may edit the suffix of each crop
6. Select the green tick to save
Please note that where more than two records exist, you will be able to scroll between crops using the arrows at the bottom of the screen:
To view field information
Within the Fields module, fields are listed in alphabetical order.
The field list may be filtered to show the fields by usage categories. By selecting a filter from the right hand side above the list, the visible list may be narrowed down to show ‘All fields’, ‘Grass fields’, ‘Non-crop Production’, ‘Production crops’ and ‘Unused fields’.
For users with multiple businesses, the list may also be filtered by business.
To view information about a field, select it from the list and a drawer will appear. This drawer may have multiple tabs that each provide different information about the selected field. To view, click the relevant tab in the top left corner:
Details – for key information about a field, this year’s cropping and a previous cropping history
Jobs summary – for a list of completed jobs
Nutrients – to see nutrients applied through fertiliser jobs
Sampling – to view the results of any soil analysis entered
Margin – to view the field’s margin figures
N.B. Tabs will only be visible if the relevant information exists.
To delete a field
Fields can only be deleted if the field is uncropped and has no records. If a field is deleted it will be deleted for all seasons. If you only wish to delete a crop in a particular season, do not try to delete the field – see deleting a crop below.
To delete a field;
1. Within the Fields module, find the field in the list
2. Click the delete icon, located on the right hand side of the page
3. A warning message will appear asking if you are sure that you want to delete the Field - select Delete to confirm.
Deleting a crop from a field
A crop cannot be deleted from a field if it has any jobs or inspections associated with it. If a crop is deleted it will be deleted from the season.
To remove the cropping information:
1. Make sure that the correct season is selected
2. Select the field from the Fields module
3. Under the Details tab at the top, select Setup in the Cropping section
4. Select the delete icon located on the right-hand side of the form
5. Click the tick to save
6. The form will be refreshed taking you back to the Field Details form
Field Module Reports
The reports detailed on this page can be accessed through the Create Report icon on the fields module.
The following reports are available to all users:
Cropping Summary
This report lists fields grouped by their crop, variety, and farm. The field’s working area is shown, along with the percentage of total cropping this makes.
The report gives sub-totals of area and percentage by farm, variety, and crop. There is a grand total of cropped area at the end of the report.
Field Summary
This report lists fields alphabetically, and displays their field identifier (e.g, map sheet and NG number), crop, variety, and area.
The report gives sub-totals of area by farm, and a grand total of cropped area.
The following reports are available to Standard and Advanced users:
Crop Gross Margin
For each crop (listed alphabetically), the recorded inputs of all fields of the same crop are broken down into sections for variable costs, outputs, and fixed costs. Each section displays total value and value per ha, broken down by product types.
Variety Gross Margin
For each variety (listed alphabetically), the recorded inputs of all fields of the same variety are broken down into sections for variable costs, outputs, and fixed costs. Each section displays total value and value per ha, broken down by product types.
Crop Growing Valuation
Based on the date selected, the cost of applications to all fields of the same crop are broken down into sections for variable costs, outputs, and fixed costs. Each section displays total value and value per ha, broken down by product types.