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This section allows you to create a list of products that will be used on fields when you record jobs

Cheryl Evans avatar
Written by Cheryl Evans
Updated over 8 months ago

About Products

Setup > Products allows you to create a list of products that will be used on fields when you record jobs. Product information can be added prior to entering the job, in the Setup module, or while creating a job or transaction.

When viewing your product list from Setup > Products, you can search the list in the following ways:

To filter the product list

  1. Select the ‘Filter by’ selector in the top right hand corner of the screen.

  2. Select the product type to filter by – for example, ‘Fertiliser’.

Only fertiliser products will be shown in the list after the filter is selected.

To search the product list

  1. Type into the search bar in the top right hand corner

  2. Enter the product name, or a part of it

Take care not to have a product type specified in the ‘Filter By’ option, or you may find that some products are hidden.

Product details

When adding a product into your businesses’ list, you will have the opportunity to set a default rate. If this option is used, the product will display the default rate when selected for any jobs. You can edit the rate from the default rate if required.

Adding a pesticide product (click here to watch a short video)

Pesticide products are selected from our pesticide database. This enables us to provide information such as active ingredient and MAPP number.

From the Setup module:

1. Select the Products icon

2. Select + New Product button

3. Select Pesticide. The ‘Add Pesticide’ pane will open

4. Start typing in the text bar to search for the product you wish to add (on the line that reads Filter Text)

5. When the list below the ‘filter text’ bar populates with product options, select the product you wish to add. You will note the product is now highlighted and the add symbol has now changed to a minus symbol

6. If no product name appears, make sure the ‘Filter by’ drop down is set to ‘All Pesticides’ N.B. Take care to make sure the correct MAPP number has been selected along with the correct product name

7. Click the tick and in the new drawer that opens

8. Enter a default rate for this product – this is optional. A product with a default rate will display this rate any time it is selected into a job, although it also can be edited in the job if required.

9. Enter a unit price. For Gatekeeper Standard customers, this unit price is the cost that will be allocated to fields when this product is used. For Advanced customers, the price entered will only be used until an average unit price can be calculated from the trading information entered.

To edit pesticide products

Only the information that is manually entered can be edited. The information that is pre populated from our pesticide list cannot be edited. Manually entered details can be edited by selecting the required product from within the Product module and updating the relevant information before saving. If the wrong product has been setup you will need to delete it and add the correct product.

Adding a Fertiliser, Trace element, Biostimulant or Seed/Plant products from curated picklists

These products can be picked from the curated picklists database which enables us to provide you with additional information for the products. Alternatively if you can not find the product you are looking for you can create a custom product.

From the Setup module:

1. Select the Products icon

2. Select the + New Product button

3. Start typing in the text bar to search for the product you wish to add.

4. Alternatively change the Filter By to Analysis and use the Nutrient searchs to locate products with specific nutrient analysis.

5. When the list below the ‘filter text’ bar populates with product options, select the product you wish to add. You will note the product is now highlighted and the add symbol has now changed to a minus symbol

6. Click the tick and in the new drawer that opens

7. Enter a default rate for this product – this is optional. A product with a default rate will display this rate any time it is selected into a job, although it also can be edited in the job if required.

8. Enter a unit price. For Gatekeeper Standard customers, this unit price is the cost that will be allocated to fields when this product is used. For Advanced customers, the price entered will only be used until an average unit price can be calculated from the trading information entered.

Adding a custom product

From the Setup module:

1. Select the Products icon

2. Select the + New Product button

3. For Fertilisers, Trace elements, Biostimulants and Seed/Plant products after not being able to locate them in the curated list, click on the + New 'Product' button to open the ‘New Product’ pane:

For Organic Manures, Lime, Produce and Other products the 'New Product' pane will open after selecting the product heading.

  • Enter a Product Name

  • For organic manure product types only: select a manure type

  • For seed/plant product types only: select a crop

  • Select a Unit

  • Enter a Default Rate if required

  • For seed/plant product types only: check if it is farm saved seed

  • For seed/plant product types only: select the class

  • For seed/plant product types only: select any seed dressings

4. Click the tick to save

In the new drawer that opens:

5. Enter a default rate for this product – this is optional. A product with a default rate will display this rate any time it is selected into a job, although it can also be edited in the job if required.

6. Enter a unit price. For Gatekeeper Standard customers, this unit price is the cost that will be allocated to fields when this product is used. For Advanced and Premium customers, the price entered will only be used until an average unit price can be calculated from the trading information entered.

7. For fertiliser products and organic manures:

  • Select the Nutrients section

  • Select nutrients in your fertiliser product from the list on the left

  • Enter the nutrient percentage on the right

To edit other products

Other Products can be edited at any time. To do this, select the required record from within the Products module and update the relevant information before saving.

To view products

Products are listed on the products section, accessed through the Setup module. If you need to view a particular product’s full details select the desired product record.

To search for a specific product in your list, type all or part of the products name next to the magnifier icon in the top right hand corner.

To view multiple products of a type, select an option from the ‘Filter By’ list next to the search bar – for example, fertiliser.

To delete a product Product records may be deleted, providing they have not been used within a record. From the Setup module:

1. Click Products

2. Find the product you wish to delete

3. Click the delete icon, located on the right hand side of the page

4. A warning message will appear asking if you are sure that you want to delete the product - select Delete to confirm.

Product Pricing

As you add a new product into your list, you have the option to enter a unit price. This function will work differently depending on which Gatekeeper subscription you have.

Gatekeeper Standard users only: the price entered will be the price used for this product across the current season. You can edit this price at any point.

Gatekeeper Advanced users only: the price entered will be the price used for this product across the current season, unless you add any trading information for this product. In that case, the unit price entered will be replaced by the average unit price calculated from the trades entered. You cannot directly edit an average unit price. For more information, see Stock product pricing.

Gatekeeper Advanced users only: you can enter a separate price per business as required. The price entered will be the price used for this product across the current season, unless you add any trading information for this product. In that case, the unit price entered will be replaced by the average unit price calculated from the trades entered. You cannot directly edit an average unit price. For more information, see Stock product pricing.

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