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Businesses and Holdings

This is where your Business details can be added and edited

Cheryl Evans avatar
Written by Cheryl Evans
Updated this week

About Businesses & Holdings

Setup > Businesses is where your business details can be added and edited.

Businesses control their own stock centres and product pricing. Each business can have multiple holdings connected to it and Fields connected to the holdings – the structure is shown above.

Your business name will have been entered during the onboarding process. You will need to add your business address and holding information.

To add a business

From the Setup module:

1. Select the Businesses icon

2. Select the + New Business button

3. Enter the required information and press the tick

4. Select the required business from the list and add the Address details

Please note, the ability to add additional businesses is dependent upon your Gatekeeper version. If you need to add additional businesses but do not have the ability please call Farmplan sales on 01594 545000 to upgrade.

To edit business details

From the Setup module:

1. Select the Businesses icon

2. Select the required business from the list

3. A drawer will appear showing the business details

4. Click on the form to edit the details

Enter or edit the information found in the following sections:

Details Business name - The first business name is assigned during the onboarding process but can be amended if necessary in this form

Address - Enter the business details as required


Holdings allow you to group fields under the appropriate CPH number. You may need to add additional holdings if your business has multiple CPH numbers, or if some fields are part of a contract farming agreement.

Holdings are setup within the businesses window, and fields are associated to holdings as you add the fields.

Holdings – Region options

In the ‘Edit Holdings’ pane, you are required to select a Region which will determine the land parcel identification option provided for fields within that holding.

For England, Wales and Northern Ireland regions the 'Map Sheet/NG number' can be entered on the Field Details window This is an alphanumeric identifier which will have 2 letters followed by two sets of four digits.

For Scotland region the ‘Scottish LPID’ 12-digit field identifier will be able to be entered on the Field Details window

The region option selected at this point will affect the field information you are asked for when adding or editing field details.

To add a holding

To add a new holding:

  1. Select the Setup module

  2. Select Businesses

  3. Select the business name you want to add a holding to

  4. Select the holdings section on the right hand side

  5. Select Add Holding

  6. Enter the holding details:

    1. Name

    2. CPH number

    3. select from the Region options

  7. Select the tick to save and close

To edit a holding

To edit holding details:

  1. Select the Setup module

  2. Select Businesses

  3. Select the business name you wish to edit a holding for

  4. Select the holdings section on the right hand side

  5. Edit holding details as required

  6. Select the tick to save and close

To delete a holding

Holdings may only be deleted if they have no fields associated to them. If you wish to delete a holding, you must first re-assign any fields which belonged to that holding.

To delete a holding:

  1. Select the Setup module

  2. Select Businesses

  3. Select the business name you wish to delete a holding from

  4. Select the rubbish bin icon

  5. Select the tick to save and close

To add a holding within a business

Holdings allow you to group fields under the appropriate CPH number. You may need to add additional holdings if your business has multiple CPH numbers. To add the holding details, from the Setup module:

1. Open the business name you want to add a holding to

2. Click into the Holdings pane on the right hand side

3. Click + Add Holding

4. Enter the holding name and CPH/Herd number, and select a region option (which will determine the land parcel identification option provided for fields within that holding as well as other field information which is region specific)

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